Kamis, 01 November 2018

IMUNOLOGI "Cytokines and Chemokines"

Cytokines and Chemokines

 Sitokin Dasar
Sitokin atau immunocytokine adalah nama generik yg digunakan utk menggambarkan grup berbeda dr protein yg larut atau peptida yang berperan sebagai pengatur humoral pada konsentrasi nano sampai picometer

Sitokin mengatur aktifitas fungsional dari individu sel dan jaringan dibawah kondisi normal dan kondisi patologi
Cytokine Names 
Interleukins - produced exclusively by leukocytes 
Lymphokines - produced by lymphocytes 
Monokines - produced exclusively by monocytes 
Interferons - involved in antiviral responses 
Colony Stimulating Factors - support the growth of cells in semisolid medias 
Chemokines  - promote chemotaxis 
Cytokine Basics
Cytokines mempunyai sifat seperti hormon dimana berperan pada level sistemik, affecting,
inflammation, septic shock, acute phase reactions, penyembuhan luka dan jaringan

Tidak seperti hormon, cytokines tidak dihasilkan oleh sel khusus atau kelenjar khusus -
 they have no single organ source  
 Cytokine Activity
Cytokine actions may be characterized as:  
Autocrine (self modulating) 
Paracrine (modulating cells in the immediate surroundings) 
Juxtacrine (modulating through cell membrane signaling) 
Retrocrine (modulating to stop host defense )


Merupakan protein sistim imun yang mengatur reaksi antar sel dan memicu reaktifitas 
imunbaik pada imunitas nonspesifik maupun spesifik

Cytokine Basics
Defining cytokines based only on their producer cells or target cells is inaccurate

The historic cytokine concept of "one producer cell -one cytokine -one target cell" has been
falsified for almost every cytokine
Hampir semua sitokin adalah pleiotropic effectors memperlihatkan aktifitas biologi yg  
Juga, multiple cytokines sering mempunyai aktifitas yg overlaping 
Sel tunggal biasanya berinteraksi dengan multiple cytokines dengan respon yg identik  

Cytokine Transport
Mediator sitokin dapat ditransport cepat ke daerah yg jauh pada organisme multiselular 
Sitokin dapat menuju banyak target sel dan dapat dihancurkan cepat. Concentration 
gradients can be used to elicit specific responses

Cytokine - Regulation 
Cytokines regulator penting baik positif dan negatif pada mitosis, differentiation,
 migration,cell survival, apoptosis, and transformation-oncogene   

Cytokines In Therapy
The many specific activities of individual cytokines have been the basis for current
concepts of therapeutic intervention - particularly, hematopoietic malfunctions and tumor
Applications involve the support of chemo- and radiotherapy, bone marrow transplantation, 
and general immunostimulation  - adoptive immunotherapy

Cytokine Type I Subgroups

Long-chain cytokines include:

IL-6, IL-11




Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF)

Oncostatin M (OSM)

Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF)

Cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1)

Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)

Cytokine Receptors

Cytokine Receptors

The receptors for five different immunologically important cytokines, IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, 
and IL-15, share the common cytokine receptor g chain, gc (CD132)

These cytokines are all short-chain Type I cytokines 

 IL-2 Production 
Mature IL-2 is a peptide 133 amino acids long

Produced mainly by mitogen activated CD4+T-lymphocytes

Originally called T-cell growth factor (TCGF)

Transformed T-cells and B-cells, leukemia cells,LAK cells 
(Lymphokine-activated killer cells) and NK-cells also secrete IL-2

IL-2 Facts

IL-2 damages the blood-brain barrier and the integrity of the endothelium of brain vessels

IL-2 does not have a saturable transport system across the blood-brain barrier

Electrophysiological alterations may cause neuropsychiatric side effects such as fatigue, 
disorientation, and depression, frequently observed under IL-2 therapy

IL-2 Summary
IL-2 important actions: 
It can increase immunoglobulin synthesis and J-chain transcription 
Proliferation in B cells (with IL-4) 
potently augment the cytolytic activity of natural killer (NK) cells 
induce the cytolytic activity of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells 
Due to its effects on T-cells and B-cells IL-2 is a central regulator of immune response

IL-4 Production  

IL-4, like IL-2, is produced principally by activated CD4+ T cells

It is also produced by natural killer cells, and by mast cells and basophils

IL-7 Production 

IL-7 is not a lymphokine but instead is produced by stromal cells
 IL-7 is secreted constitutively into bone marrow stroma, and thymic cells 
Murine and human keratinocytes have been shown also to express and secrete IL-7 

IL-7 Actions/Modulation

IL-7 stimulates the proliferation of pre-B and pro-B-cells without affecting their  

IL-7 can replace murine bone marrow stromal cells in supporting the extended growth 
of both pre-B-cells and pro-B-cells

It does not act on mature B-cells


IL-9 Production

IL-9 was originally described as a murine T-cell growth factor. Human and murine IL-9 are  
126 amino acids long

IL-9 is produced by activated T-cells and supports the growth of T-helper (Th) clones but 
not CD8+ cytolytic clones

In contrast to IL-2, its production is much more delayed, suggesting late/secondary 

IL-9 can be isolated from culture of mitogen- or antigen-stimulated T helper cells

In primary lymphocyte cultures it is produced predominantly by cells expressing CD4

The synthesis of IL-9 can be induced by calcium ionophores (Ionomycin)  

IL-9 can be isolated from culture of mitogen- or antigen-stimulated T helper cells

In primary lymphocyte cultures it is produced predominantly by cells expressing CD4

The synthesis of IL-9 can be induced by calcium ionophores (Ionomycin) 

IL-9 Actions/Modulation
IL-9 stimulates the proliferation of a number of T helper cell clones in the absence of 
antigens or antigen-presenting cells 
It does not promote the proliferation of freshly isolated T-cells or cytolytic T-cells 
The activity as a growth factor seems restricted to a distinct subpopulation of cells or to a 
particular late activation state
 IL-15 Production 
IL-15 is the most recently identified Type I cytokine 
Although IL-15 messenger RNA (mRNA) is produced by a range of non-lymphocytic cell 
types, it is difficult to detect IL-15 protein production

IL-15 Actions/Modulation 
IL-15 receptors are widely expressed, and it is becoming more clear that IL-15 plays a  
major role related to NK cell development and cytolytic activity

Type I Cytokines
IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15 collectively exhibit overlapping roles related to T cells, NK 
cells, B cells, and mast cells, and together would be expected to play vital roles in normal 
development and function of these cells  
My friends, as a result of our experimentation, we have just lost a dear and valued colleague....
On. the other hand, we have just gained a publication.


Kemokin adalah sitokin yg berperan dalam kemotaksis sel-sel leukosit (limfosit, monosit 
dan neutrofil) ketempat infeksi atau kerusakan jaringan (sitokin kemotaktik) sehingga 
mempermudah interaksi antarsel. (Chemoattractant Cytokines)

Small (8-10kd) secreted heparin-binding

Promote recruitment and activation of leukocytes

Can be divided into subclasses by virtue of structural properties

  • Cell recruitment
  • Th1/Th2 development
  • Angiogenesis/angiostasis
  • metastasis
  • inflammation
  • Wound healing
  • Lymphoid organ development
  • Lymphoid trafficking

Chemokine Function
Recruitment of inflammatory cells to infection

Provide immune homeostasis

Important in host defense against bacteria, parasitic and viral infection

Role in wound healing

Role in hematopoesis and angiogenesis under study
Chemokines promote chemotaxis in the direction of highest concentration 

Chemokine Effects 
Chemokines promote shape change in cells

Polymerization and breakdown of actin

Breakdown of lamellipodia (cell anchoring arms/legs)

Upregulate integrins causing cell adhesion in vascular endothelium

Promote cell diapedesis

Chemokine Receptors
Specific receptors bind specific chemokine

CXCR1 binds IL-8

There are also shared receptors

CCR1 binds MIP-1a,RANTES, MCP-2 and MCP3

Promiscuous receptors bind any class

Viral encoded receptors

Encoded by cytomegalovirus- CMV U28 binds CC chemokines

cc reseptors
cellular expression
"This composition was produced during the artist's 'Hay Fever' period, and is simply entitled 'The Sneeze'."

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