30. Dillenia suffruticosa (Griff. 1854) Martelli 1886
Wormia suffruticosa G-riff., Not. 4, 1854, p. 706 & *Ic. PI. As., 1854, t. 649; Hook.f. & Thorns., Fl. Br. Ind. 1, 1872, p. 35; Villar, Nov. App., 1880, p. 347; King, J. As. Soe. Beng. 58, II, 1889, p. 364; Ridl, J. Str. Br. R. A. S. 54, 1910, p. 5; Back., Schoolfl. Java, 1911, p. 10; Koord., Exk. Fl. Java 2, 1912, p. 601; "Blaauw, Trop. nat. in sc.hotsen on kleuren, 1913, p. 17, t. 12; Rid]., Fl. Mai. Pen. 1, 1922, p. 8; Burk., Diet. Eeon. Prod. Mai. Pen., 1935, p. 2265; Corn., Gard. Bull. S. S. 10, 1939, p. 9; 'Corn., Wayside Trees Malaya, 1940, p. 207, pi. 53; Back., Bekn. Fl. Java (em. ed.) 4, 1942, fana. 80, p. 4.
Wormia excelsa Auct. non Jack; Hook.f. & Thorns., Fl. Ind. 1, 1855, p. 67. Wormia subsessilis Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl., 1860, p. 619; Teysm. & Binn., J. Bot. Nderl. 1, 1861, p. 364; "Miq., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 1,"l864, p. 315, t. 9; Miq., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 4, 1868, p. 77; Ridl., J. Str. Br. R. A. S. 54, 1910, p. 4; Ridl., Saraw. Mus. .T. 1, 1913, p. 71; 'Ridl., Fl. Mai. Pen. 1, 1922, p. 7.
Wormia revoluta Teysm. Sc Binn., J. Bot. Neerl. 1, 1861, p. 364, in syn.
Wormia burbidgei '"Hook.f., Bot. Mag., 1880, t. 6531.
Dillenia suffruticosa (Griff.) Martelli in Becc., Malesia 3, 1886, p. 163; Fin. & Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. Mem. 4, 1906, p. 10; Merr., Bibl. En. Bom. PI., 1921, p. 384; de Wit, Bull. Bot, Gard. Btzg III, 18, 1949, p. 208; 'Hoogl., Fl. Mai. I, 4, 1951, p. 162.
Dillenia burbidgei (Hook.f.) Grig in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pfl. Fam. 3, 6, 1893, p. 123.
Dillenia suffruticosa var. borneensis (Ridl.) Ridl., Saraw. Mus. J. 1, 1913, p. 71; Merr., Bibl. En. Born. PI., 1921, p. 384.
Type specimens: Wormia suffruticosa: Griffith Kew Distr. 55, Malacca, 1845; holotype in K, isotvpes in C, OGE, PI, GH, K, L, M, NY, P. — Wormia subsessilis: Tcysmann 3203 HE, Banka; liolotypo in TJ, isotypes in BZ, CAL, K, L, MEL. — Wormia burbidgei: Burbidge, Borneo, 1877—8; holotype in K. — Wormia subsessilis var. borneensis: Hewitt, Kuching, 1909; holotype in SING, isotypo in K.
Large shrubs or small trees, evergreen, up to 10 m high, with stout, brown trunk, often forming thickets. Branches sympodial, younger ones ca 3 mm thick, glabrous to densely villose with 2—3 nun long hairs, more or less glabrescent. Leaf-scars amplexicaul, for about 1 /2 single line, for Y, subfalcate with ca 20 leaf-traces near lower margin. Leaves elliptic to" ovate, (10—) 15—25(—45) X (5—)8—12(—26) cm, with (7—)12—20 (—27) nerves on either side ; rounded to obtuse at apex, obtuse at base, decurring into petiolar wings; margin entire to dentate or doubly dentate, nerves ending in apex of teeth, in larger leaves often 1—3 rather strong secondary nerves directed downward near margin, ending in apex of Smaller teeth; glabrous, rarely slightly villose on intervenium in younger leaves only above, slightly to densely villose on nerves, on both sides along midrib (continuing on petiole), and along line which delimits budenclosing part of leaf-base beneath. Petiole 2—6 cm, with amplexicaul wings; wings 4—40(—15) mm broad, nervation of blade continuing, birt
less marked, on wings, wings and base of blade below line where both sides cohere in young leaf of different colour (darker when dry) ; wings usually persistent. Inflorescences terminal, (4 —)6—10 (—18)-flowered, up to 30 cm long, simple racemes or composed by having lateral branch at place of second, sometimes also third flower; axis ca 3 mm thick, glabrous to, particularly when young, densely villose; bracts caducous, triangular, 6—15 X 3—5 mm. Flowers 8—12 cm across. Pedicel 0.8—3 cm long, 2— 3 mm thick, thickened to 3—4 mm at apex, without bracteoles. Sepals 5, obovate, 15—22 X 8—12 mm, glabrous inside, glabrous to rather densely villose outside. Petals 5, bright yellow, obovate, 40—50 X 25—30 mm, rounded at apex, narrowed towards base. Androecium with distinct group of staminodes on outer side. Staminodes ca 100, linear, ca 4—6 X 0.3 mm, yellow, obtuse at apex. Stamens ca 175, outermost ones slightly curved in bud, ca 8 mm long, innermost ones with apical part reflexed outward in bud, ca 13 mm long, with stamens of intermediate lengths between; filament of outermost stamens ca 3 1 / 2, of innermost ones ca 2 mm long; anther ca 0.5 mm broad, obtuse at apex; thecae linear, opening with pore near apex on outer side. Carpels 5—8, usually 7, arranged around sharp conical receptacle, light green, elliptic, ca 5 X 2 mm, glabrous, each with 7—10 ovules; styles spreading, filamentous, ca 10 mm long, 0.5 mm thick, yellowish white. Pseudocarps dehiscent, when ripe sepals enlarged to 18—25 X 10—15 mm; carpels red, 20—25 X 10—16 mm, each with 1—4 seeds. Seeds obovoid, ca 3 X 2 mm, brown or black, enclosed by scarlet, membranous aril.
Sumatra: Palembang: Pladju, Polak 140, fl. & fr. Oct. 1030 (BZ). — Banka: H ors field, fl. (BM); Kurz 425, fl. (K) ; Baturasak, Amand, fl. Juno 1858 (U) ; Ploem, fl. & fr. (L) ; Djcbus, Berlchowt 7g, fl. Aug. 1886 (BZ) ; Berkhout (BZ) ; G. Menumbing, near Muntok, Biinnemeyer 1S51, fl. & fr. Oct. 1917 (BZ, L) ; Bakem, Sungai Liât, Biinnemeyer 1731, fl. Oct. 1917 (BZ) ; Sungai Lajang, Sungai Liât, Biinnemeyer 1807, fl. & fr. Oct. 1917 (BZ, L) ; Sungai Liât, Rcbo, Biinncmeyer 2510, fl. Nov. 19.17 (B'Z) ; near Pangkalpinang-Belinju, Huitema 24, fl. 1932 (IIZ)'; Bakit, Belinju, Coert 1630, fl. Sept. 1941 (L). — Billiton: Riedel, fl. (FI); S of Manggar,, n<wi 32, fr. March 1907 (BZ). — Riouw-Lingga Arch.: Pulau Tudjuh, Ajer Suar, Biinnemeyer 5966, fl. & fr. May 1919 (BZ, L) ; Sungai Tanda, Pulau Liugga, Biinnemeyer 6933, fl. July 1919 (BZ).
Malay Peninsula: Walker 224, fr. (GL, P) ; Suugai Iwong, Goodenough, fl. May 1892 (RM). — Pcrak: Maxwell's Hill, Taiping, Henderson SF 10014, fl. & fr. 1922 (SING) ; Taiping, Henderson SF 10358, fr. Jan. 1923 (SING) ; Tinmines, Taiping, llaniff SF 13130, March 1924 (SING). — Pahang: Balok, Teop CF 3616, fr. Jan. 1920 (K, SING). — Selangor: Rawang Bistr., Goodenough 10470, fl. March 1809 (SING) ; Garcona Kuala Lumpur, Kalong CF 17479, fl. Aug. 1929 (SING); Fran ok 1115, fl. & fr. Sept. 1937 (C) ; Tinmines, Ranching, Nv.r SF 34430, fl. & fr. Nov. 1937 (MO, SING). — Negri Sembilan: Seremban, -A• Ivins 1783, fr. July 1885 (SING). - Malacca: fr. (SING) ; Gmidichaud 26, fl. & fr. Feb. 18137 (G, P) ; o _o_. i r> A C\ /n \ . A Ti N ... Cuming 2858, fl. 1840 (BM, CÖE, K) ; Delesscrt, fl. & fr. 1840 (G) ; Ayer Panas, x , , , ... v , , . , Griffith (Herb. E. I. Comp. 55) , fl. & fr. 184-5 (C, CGE, PI, GH, IC, L, M, NY, P) ; Griffith, fr. (OAL) ; Maingay 1020 (Kcw Dixtr.■. 4), fl. 1865—6 (K) ; Maingay lOSOA (Kew Distr. 4), fl. May 1868 (GAIL, K, L) ; A Ivins, fl. & fr. (SING); Bukit Braang, Uolmberg 710, fl. & fr. Apr. 1891 (MEL, SING); Ilervey, fl. 1S91 (BM, GAL, SING) ; Ilervey, fl. & fr. Apr. 1893 (CAL, P) ; Ilervey, fr. (A). — Joliore: Pinyerong, Ridley, fr. May 1889 (SING); Pulau Tekong, Eidley 3966, fl. 1890 (SING); Eidley, fl. 1890 (BM) ; Kuala Sedili Besar, Feilding, fl. 1892 (SING); Sedili Kechik, Yeob CF 5832, fl. & fr. July 1921 (SING) ; Mawai, Sedili, Corner SF 21189, fl. & fr. May 1932 (K, NY, SING) ; Sungai Sedili, Corner SF 32984, fl. & fr. May 1937 (L, SING) ; Sungai Sedili, near Mawai, Corner SF 33546 $• 33547, fl. & fr. June 1937 (L, SING). — Pulau Penan g : Delessert, fl. & fr. 1835 (G). — Singapore: Thomson 10, fl. (K, P) ; Lobb 329, fl. (OGiE, FI, G, GH, GL, K, MEL, OX) ; Anderson 2, fl. Oct. 1861 (OAL,- MEL) ; Kurz 2961, fl. (CAL); Maingay 2624A ((Kew Distr. 4), fl. & fr. 1867 (BM) ; Maingay 2624 (Kew Distr. 4), fl. 1867—8 (K) ; Kuntze' 6094, fl. Oct. 1875 (NY) ; millett 61, fl. 1884 (K) ; Ihwilund (CAL) ; Jurong, Ridley 435, fl. Oct. 1889 (CAL, SING) ; Eidley, fl. 1S90 (UC) ; Tangkei, Eidley, fl. & fr. Jan. 1905 (MO) ; Eidley, fl. & fr. (CAL, SING); Pulau Ubin, Ridley, fl. (SING).
Java: W. Java: Floem, fl. (L) ; Regantang, Boerlage, fr. June 1888 (L) ; Waning Manga, Kedunghalang, Boerlage 157, fr. Oct. 1888 (L) ; Buitenzorg, Boerlage, fl. & fr. Dee.. 1888 (L) ; ibidem, lldtticr Sa, fl. & fr. Apr. 1893 (BZ) ; Djasinga, Baclcer 9903, fl. Nov. 1913 (BZ) ; ibidem, Backer 10056, fl. & fr. Nov. 1913 (BZ) ; l-\ _ 1 T k !.. sn m -4 et ti ei T i , i / r*.r# \ n e r\ • • û i ,n et s\ /n .r* /• i n « n E of Dcpok, Backer 23168, fl. Jan. 1918. (®Z) ; S of Djasinga, Backer 26022, fr. 1918 (BZ) ; E of Depok, Baoker 26285, fl. Oct. 1918 (BZ) ; Dcpok, „ ,, _ ... _ _ r , , ... ... v ,, r , Bakhuizen van den Brink Jr 890, fl. & fr. Nov. 1921 (BZ, CAL, Gr, K, L, P, SING); Tegal Sapi, Bakhuizen van den Brink Jr 1568, Aug. 1922 (BZ) ; Djambu near Leuwiliang, Bakhuizen van den Brink 7830, fl. & fr. Aug. 19.11 (BZ, IC, L, U) ; Tendjoleat near Bunar, de Voogd 5, fl. Oct. 1940 (BZ) ; Land Bolang near Bunar, van Stccnis 12681, fl. Nov. 1941 (BZ) ; Parung Pandjang, Broekhuizen 15, fl. & fr. Dec. 1944 (RZ) ; ibidem, Broclchuizen 9, Feb. 1945 (BZ, L) ; ibidem, Broekhuizen, fr. Feb. 194i5 (BZ).
Borneo: (OAL, U) ; Korthals, fl. & fr. (CAL, K, L, MEL, S) ; Ü. S. S. Pac. Expl. Bxped. 18S8—13, fl. (NY) ; Burbidge, fl. (IC). — NU'. Borneo: Kuching, Bcccari PB 175 4- 193, fl. & fr. July 1865 (Fl, K, P) ; Brunei, Beeoari PB 4067, fl. Aug. 1867 (Fl) ; Rajang, Sibu, Ifavilatid = 2100, fl. Nov. 1892 (UC) ; near Kuching, lin Vila nd 2100, fl. & fr. Doc. 1892 (K) ; ibidem, JIaviUmd if- Hose = 2160, fl. & fr. Oct. 1894 (DM, DZ, CAL, CGE, GH, K, L, P) ; Kuehing, Eidley, fr. Aug. 189!) (SING) ; Sarawak, A nt. Coll. 557, f!. (A) ; Kapit, Upper Rajang Riv., Clemens 21167, fl. May 1929 (A, DZ, K, MO, NY). — IV. Borneo: Chaper, fr. (P) ; Sintang, Langlassê 68, fl. Juno 1894 (P) ; ibidem, Langlassé 87, fl. June 1894 (G, P) ; Acr Itam N of Pontianak, Folate 680, fl. Oct. 1940 (BZ, L) ; Pontianak, Enoh 200, fl. Sept. 1948 (BZ, K, L). — S. and SE. Borneo: Martapura, Korthals, fl. (L) ; Pulau Lampei, Korthals, fl. & fr. (L) ; Tewingan near Martapura, Labohm 1180, fl. Juno 1SHS (BZ) ;
Asem near Pleihari, Lahohm 1056, f 1. May 1!U!> (BZ) ; Bantau, Antasan Mastam, -*— — 7 "7 "*• V— y I J-WIU tau, XX41IUIVOIWI XliUOl/CWH, DG oh" lan 17, fl. Aug. 1922 (BZ). — E. and NE. Borneo: Sungai Rontanan, Bontang, Kutten 417, fr. March 1911 (BZ, U) ; Sungai Berbas, Bontang, Kutten 496, fl. & fr. May 1911 (U); Tikung, A m d jali 917, fl. & fr. Nov. 1912 (BZ, L, UC) ; Amdjali 1017, fl. 1912 (BiZ); near Sadjan Riv., Bulongan, Kutten 88, fr. 1914 (U). — Br. N. Borneo: Kudat, Fraser 120, fl. June 188ü (K) ; Sandakan, Creagh, fl. Apr. 1895 (K) ; Kinabalu Region, Gib bs 2930, fl. 1910 (BMj; Sandakan, Clemens 9504, fl. Doc. 1915 (A); TVood 458, fl. May—Aug. 1917 (K) ; Yates 56, fr. Oct. 1917 (A, US); Sandakan & Vicin., Wood 794, fl. & fr. Feb.—March 1920 (A, BZ, L, US); Sandakan, Mvburgh Pro v., Elmer 20104, fl. & fr. Oct.—Dec, 1921 (A, BM, BZ, C, OAB, X, L, M, MO, NY, P, S, SING, U, UC); Kg Mengalong, Weston, Suleiman BNB 2221, fr. Apr.' 1932 (BZ, IFI, K) ; Talaga, BalajaMa BNB 2561, fl. Aug. 1932 (A, BZ, IFT, K) ; Mt Kalawat, Kinabalu, Clemens 51317, fl. Jan. .1934 (BiM) ; Kabili For. Res., Sandakan, Puasa BNB 4846, fl. & fr. June 1935 (SING) ; Jambongaii Isl., Cabilmg BNB 3776, fl. (U-C) ; Tiaggau Ri»v., Keith BNB 9091, fl. June 1988 (SING) ; Marudu, Kudat, Kitaku Fior. Rtes., Austin BNB A1182, fl. Feb. 1948 (SINÎG) ; Elopura, Sandakan, Anthony BNB A 788, fr. March 1948 (SING) ; ibidem, Kadir BNB A[ 901, fl. Dec. 1948 (SING); ibidem, Kadir BNB A @691, fl. & fr. (L). — Baiiguey Isl. : „ 7 , __ t . Castro $■ Mele- (jrito 1502, fl. Sept. 1923 (A, UC, US). — Labuan: Low 192, fl. & fr. 1867 (Fl) ; Treacher, 1880 (S). — Anambas & Natuna Isls: near Genting, Sedanau Isl., van Stcenis 1055, fr. Apr. 1928 (BZ, L).
Philip piffles: hoher 2O , fl. (K). — Luzon: Mt Makiling, Laguna Prov., Quisumhmg, fr. Sept. 1925 (UC).
Cultivated: Bot. Gard. Bogor (origin : Banka) : Teysmawa, fl. & fr. 1800 (10; Kars 425, fl. (OAL) ; Kurz, fl. 1863 (P) ; Teysmamn, fr. 1867 (L) ; Beecari, fl. 1876 (Fl) ; Boerlage, fl. (L); no IV-G-18, fl. Nov. 1889 (BZ) ; J arise, 1899 (GRO) ; no IV-G-18, fr. 1903 (GH, NY, US) ; van Ilarreveld, fl. & fr. Sept. 1907 (GRO, L) ; Backer, fl. 1908 (BiZ) ; fl. & fr. Apr. 1912 (BZ) ; no IV-G-18a, fr. 1916 (BZ) ; Fevrell tf- Heide, fl. & fr. Dee. 1921 (S). —• ICultuurtuin Bogor: fl. & fr. (U) ; Giesmfiagen, fl. Feb. 1900 (M) ; no A-III-738, Idris, fl. & fr. May 1924 (WAG). — Victoria Garden, Bombay : Land, fl. Dee. 1935 (CAL). — Jamaica: Castleton Distr. (escape from Bot. Gard.), Harris 10889, fl. March 1910 (K, NY, U). — Public Gardens, Kuala Lumpur: Strugnell CF 126%%, fl. Jan. 1927 (SING). — Manila: Manila Gardens, Quimmbing BS 84737, fl. (NY); Fcnix 92, fl. & fr. Apr. 1938 (A) ; College of Agric., Laguna, Sulit PNI1 6.977, fl. & fr. Dee. 11)47 (A). — Panama Canal Zone Èxper. Gard.: JVetmore <)• Abbe 228, fl. Jan. 1932 (A). — Bot. Gard., Penang: Niir, fl. S;ept. 1918 (SING). — Bot. Gard"., Peradeniya: Faircliild Dorsett 262, fl. Feb. 19i26 (UC). — Royal Lakes Gard., Rangoon: Parkinson 14029, fl. March 1932 (DD) ; Parkinson 14455, fl. Juno 193:2 (DP). — School Gard., Semarang: Dooiers van Leeuwen-Eeynvami, fl. June 1910 (BZ). — Sierra Leone: Lanc-Poole 118bis, fl. June 1912 (K). — Bot. Gard., Singapore: fl. (A) ; llullett, fl. & fr. Aug. 1885 (SING) ; Curtis, ƒ]. Sept. 1900 (SING) ; Sargent, fl. Oct. 1003 (A) ; Lawn T, Nur, fl. Aug. 1918 (UC) ; Nur, fl. May 1919 (UC) ; Lakeside, N'ur, fl. & fr. Aug. 1920 (CAL, SING, UC) ; Arboretum, Nur, fl. June 1924 (SING) ; Kiah, fl. May 1929 (IFI) ; Lawn G, Nur, fl. Oct. 192,9 (BRI, BZ, SING) ; Chiliens M50&, fl. & fr. Nov. 1929 (NY, P) ; Furtado SF 34822, fl. Feb. & Sept. 193-8 (A, DO, IFI, L, SING). — Bot. Gard., Trinidad: Broadway, fl. May 1927 (IFI).
Distribution. Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, Riouw and Lingga Archipelagos, Banka, Billiton, Borneo, W. Java, Philippines. Prom Sumatra the species is known only from Palembang. The two collections from the Philippines may represent cultivated or naturalized specimens; I strongly suspect the species not to be indigenous in the Philippines. De Wit (1949) has pointed out that the species would be indigenous in Java. I do not agree with him for the following reasons: The first collecting of the species outside the Botanic Garden was done in 1888, i. e. about 30 years after its introduction. The first collections are all close near Bogor and later collections gradually come to farther distances. It is difficult to understand that a species like the present one with large and conspicuous flowers would have escaped the attention of earlier collectors, particularly as it flowers throughout the whole year in Bogor.
Ecology. In marshes, along streams, and on the margin of forests, sometimes immediately behind the mangrove, up to 500 m altitude Flowering continuously, each flower open for one day only; between the flowers of one raceme a difference in flowering-time of about 3—4 days. The fruit ripens after 36 days (Corner, 1940) ; the arillate seeds are eaten by birds, what may be a means of dispersal.
Vernacular names. Sumatra: Sempur ajor, S. rawah (Palembang) Simpong, Kaju sipur (Riouw and Lingga Arch.); Kembang masimpur (mesimpur), Minipor, Simpur, Simpor prampuan, Sipor (Banka) ;
Simpur (Billiton). Malay Peninsula: Champurna, Simpoh ayer (= water simpoh), S. gajah (i= elephant or big s.), S. pasir, S. paya (<= marsh s.). Borneo : Simpur (Mai., SE. Borneo), Simpor ayer (Mai., Br. N. Borneo), Simpor bini (Mai., Brunei), Simpor rimba (Kedayan, Br. N. Borneo), Tambakau (Tengara, Br. N. Borneo).
Uses. Because of its beautiful foliage and abundant flowering the species is often planted as an ornamental shrub.
Notes. 1. Wormia suffruticosa and W. subsessilis differ only in the indûment of the lower side of the leaves and petioles, this being villose in W. suffruticosa, glabrous in W. subsessilis. As several intermediates are known, the distinction of two separate taxa does not appearto be justified.
2. Wormia subsessilis var. borneensis differs from the other specimens by the large leaves and the different colour of the pseudocarp, this being white. As to the latter difference, I do not think it to be of any importance., whereas as to the other characters the pseudocarps in the type specimen of var. borneensis agree with those in other specimens. As to the size of the leaves, these are really large in the specimen cited, but intermediates as to size are found in a number of collections.
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