Jurnal internasional fitokimia
Cyanogenic Glycosides and the fate of cyanide in soil
Alfred O. Ubalua
Microbiology/Plant biotechnology
laboratories, National Root crops Research Institute (NRCRI) Umudike, PMB 7006
Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria
*Email: alfreduba@yahoo.cm
Cyanogenic glycosides are a group of nitrile-contanining, plant
secondary compounds that yields cyanide (cyanogenesis) following their
enzymatic breakdown. Although there are many natural sources of cyanide,
including the plants, bacteria and fungi that synthesize and secrete it, the
most significant sources of cyanide in the environment are industrial wastes.
Soil as a weathered system does not contain cyanides nor does it generate
cyanides, except indirectly in supporting the growth of microorganisms, plants
and other intimate soil life and of course through anthropogenic activities.
The loading rate in soil is the paramount factor determining toxicity to
microorganisms or hazard for movement into groundwater and food chain. Cyanide
played a primary role in the evolution of life on earth and remains an
important form of nitrogen for microorganisms, fungi and plants. The
co-evolution between plants, herbivores and pathogens may have afforded some
insects and fungi the ability to overcome the defense system based on
cyanogenic glycosides, either by their ability to transform the compounds into
non-toxic constituents or by sequestration and further use in their own
defense. Mobility of cyanide in soils is mostly influenced by volatilization
and distribution. However, the rate of volatilization from soils is complex and
depends on many factors. The author now reviews the above mentioned factors and
with some emphasis on the biological elimination of cyanide.
Keywords: Biodegradation, biofilm, compartmentation,
environment, microorganisms, rhizospere, siderophores
Cyanogenic glucosides (CNglcs), the precursor of cyanide in many plants,
arthropods and some bacteria are amino acid-derived Ī²-glycosides of Ī±-hydroxynitriles.
They are widely distributed in more than 1000 species of food plants (notably
cassava, peas, beans, and kernels of almonds) (Cade and Rubira, 1982 and
Eisler, 1991) . Generally, the level of cyanogenic glycosides produced is
dependent upon the age and the variety of the plant, as well as environmental
factors (Cooper-Driver and Swain, 1976, Woodhead and Bernays, 1977). More than
60 different CNglcs are known to be present in more than 2,500 plant species
including ferns, gymnosperms , and angiosperms
(Bak et al., 2006, Moller and Seigler, 1998 and Poulton, 1990) and it is not
uncommon to find cyanogenic and acyanogenic plants within the same species,
where the function of cyanogenesis is revealed through their phenol-typic
characteristics (Francisco and Pinotti, 2000).
Cyanogenesis has been extensively studied in some
bacteria. Amongst them are the fluorescent pseudomonads,
especially Pseudomonas flourescens
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gallagher and Manoil, 2001). Cyanogenesis has also been reported in Chromobacterium violaceum and has often
been reported to occur in the case of cyano-bacteria such as Anacystis nidulans, Nostoc muscorum and Plectonema
boryanum (Vennesland et al, 1981 and Know-les and Buch, 1986). Some strains
of Rhizobium leguminosarium have also been reported to produce cyanide
as free-living bacteria (Antoun et al., 1998). Apart from producing
various protein toxins, P. aeruginosa
also produces small molecular toxins such as cyanide that facilitate the
overall virulence of this opportunistic bacter-ium against multiple hosts
(Lyczak et al, 2000, Terada et al., 1999, Britigan et al., 1999, Olivera et
al., 1999 and Blumer and Haas, 2000). CNglcs are also found in species within Diplopodia (millipedes), Chilopodia (centipedes) and particularly
within Insecta (Davis and Nahrstedt,
1985). Siderophores and cyanide production ability in various pseudomonads are
reportedly linked to antagonistic and disease suppressing activity against
various plant pathogens (De Vleesschauwer et al., 2006). Accordingly, older
arthro-pods and plant lineages contain aromatic cyanogenic glucosides while
relatively more recent lineages like Lepidopteran
species and angiosperms have
acquired the capacity to contain
aliphatic cyanogenic glycosides.
metabolism in microorganisms have been investigated and described. Cyanide
toxicity to a wide spectrum of organisms is as a consequence of its ability to
form complex with metals (Fe2+, Mn2+ and Cu2+) that
are functional groups of many enzymes, inhibiting processes like the reduction
of oxygen in the cytochrome respiratory chain, electron transport in the
photosynthesis and the activity of enzymes like catalase, oxidase (Cheeke,
1995, McMahon et al., 1995). An organism can only metabolize cyanide only when
it possesses a biodegradable pathway to
convert cyanide into an assimilative product (NH4+), cyanide resistance mechanism and a system for taking up Fe3+ from the medium (siderophores).
Although some organisms synthesize cyanide, a greater number are capable of
cyanide biodegradation. The existence of pathways in these organisms allowed
for the development of biotech-nologies to degrade cyanide compounds in
industrial waste streams (Ebbs, 2004). These degradation pathways are sensitive
to the form and concentration of the cyanide compound, the physicochemical
conditions of the media, and the presence of interfering and inhibitory
compounds. The lethal single dose of cyanide for vertebrates has been reported
to be between the ranges of 35-150 Āµmol/kg, though much higher amounts of HCN
can be tolerated if consumed over a long period (Zagrobelny et al., 2008).
Although cyanide is ubiquitous in the environment,
the highest environmental levels are found in the vicinity of combustion
sources (automotive exhaust, fires, cigarette smoke and solid waste
incineration); in waste waters from water treatment facilities, iron and steel
plants, and organic chemicals industries; in landfills and associated ground
water; and in areas of road salt applications and run off (Fiskel et al., 1981,
ATSDR 1997). Cyanide can be present in environmental matrices and waste streams
as simple cyanides (e.g. HCN, CN-, NaCN), metal cyanide compl-exes, cyanates and nitriles (Ebbs, 2004) .
Soils, the worlds underfoot, are the most abundant natural system with which
beings make contact not only directly but indirectly. The soil has proven to be
an acceptable waste receptacle and will always play an important part in waste
disposal despite trends toward recycling of waste constituents. It is arguably
the oldest and most effective chromatographic column in the history of the
world. Soil is the unconsolidated outer cover of the earth and represents the
weathered product of environmental factors at any specific location. They
differ in characteristics just as do plants and animals and also differ greatly
from one place to another, yet they perform the same unique activities of
biodegrading, precipitating, attenuating, sorbing/desorbing, structuring and
integrating every chemical behaviour known to mankind (Fuller, 1984).
Soil-agricultural wastes interactions are a complex
set of relationships that are dependent on the soil environment, microbial
populations and the chemical and physical properties of the soil and wastes
materials (Ubalua, 2007). Many toxic waste waters entering the environment as a
result of anthropogenic activities are potentially biodeg-radable to less toxic
compounds (Ezeronye and Ubalua, 2005). Cyanide is highly toxic for most living
organisms because it forms very stable complexes with transition metals that
are essential for protein function, i.e., iron in cytochrome oxidase
(Luque-Almagro et al., 2005). Conse-quently, organisms growing in the presence
of cyanide must have a cyanide-insensitive metabolism, such as the alternative
oxidase described for plants (Berthold et al., 2000) or the cytochrome bd (or
cyanide insensitive oxidase) in bacteria (JĆ¼nemann, 1997, and Richardson,
2000). The exploitation of cyanides by a variety of taxa, as a mecha-nism to
avoid production or to inhibit competitors has led to the evolution in many
organisms of enzymes that catalyse degradation of a range of cyanide compounds
(Cummings and Baxter, 2006). The presence of cyanide in the environment causes
an additional problem, the formation of
extremely stable metal -cyanide complex that make essential metals
unavailable to the organisms. Therefore, bacterial proliferation in the
presence of cyanide requires specific metal uptake systems. The strategy for
iron uptake consists of the production of organic compounds, generically called
siderophores which strongly bind iron and are subsequently transported and
assimilated (Andrews et al., 2003 and
Faraldo-Gomez and Sansom, 2003).
The biological assimilation of cyanide needs, at
minimum, the concurrence of three separate processes, i.e., a cyanide
resistance mechanism, a system for metal acqui-sition and a cyanide
assimilation pathway. Although all of these factors in conjunction with one
another have never been taken into account, a number of microorganisms that are
able to degrade cyanide and its metal complexes have been described to date
(Barclay et al., 1998, Dubey and
Holmes, 1995, Goncalves et al., 1998,
Harris and Knowles, 1983 and Raybuck, 1992). Dumestre et al., (1997) reported
that some phytopathogenic fungi, like Fusarium
solani are able to degrade cyanide, but that bacterial biodegradation shows
considerable advantages since bacteria are more easily manipulated both at
biochemical and generic levels. Harris and Knowles, (1983) also reported that Pseudo-monas fluorescens NCIMB11764 is
capable of growth on cyanide
(CN-/HCN) as the sole nitrogen source. Industrially generated cyanide waste
water contains free cyanide, in addition to cyano-metal complexes, making it
even more poisonous (Huertas et al., 2006). In spite of cyanide toxicity, there
are organisms able to survive in its presence and some of them are able to use
it as a nitrogen source (Dubey and Holmes, 1995). At present physicochemical
treatments are available for these residues, but they are expensive and also
present some collateral effects, thus since cyanide is a natural biodegradable
compound, it is therefore technically suggestive that biological treatments may
be a better alternative for its elimination.
Evolution of cyanogenic
A major goal of modern evolutionary biology is to understand the
molecular underpinnings of adaptation. Cyanide played a primary role in the
evolution of life on earth and remains an important form of nitrogen for
microorganisms, fungi and plants (Oro and Lazcano-Araujo, 1981). Many pathogens
have non-pathogenic, plant-associated relatives that share many of the same
attributes. Pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms live on plant surfaces
and inside plant tissues, and these common habitats provide frequent
opportunities for recombination, and horizontal gene transfer, facilitating the
evolution and acquisition of common plant colonization mechanism (Beattie and
Lindow, 1995, 1999, Bjorklof et al., 2000, Lindow and Brandl, 2003). Studies on
the intri-cacies on plant-Pseudomonas
interactions offers the possibility of understanding not only how plants
distinguish between closely related bacteria with different pathogenic
potential, but also of understanding the factors that affect the evolution of
pathogenic and beneficial relationships between animals, plants and bacteria
(Preston et al., 1998). Individual Pseudomonas
strains may have biocontrol activity, plant growth-promoting activity, the
ability to induce systemic plant defense responses or the ability to act as
pathogens. It has been hypothesized that plants,
herbivores and pathogens may have co-evolved in a constant chemical
warfare for about 430 million years, thus plants do not rely on a single
defense mechanism, but rather express multiple defenses comprising the
constitutive and induced synthesis of many chemical compounds as well as the
production of structural traits (Romeo 1998, Paul et al, 2000, Walling 2000 and
Becerra et al., 2001). Presumably, such a combination of different traits may
have lead to the evolution of multiple defense syndromes, since the
asso-ciation with specific ecological interactions results in co-variation of
defensive traits (Kursar and Colley, 2003 and Agrawal and Fishbein, 2006). The
co-evolution between plants, herbivores and pathogens may have afforded some
insects and fungi the ability to overcome the defense system based on CNglcs,
either by their ability to transform the compounds into non-toxic constituents or
by sequestration and further use in their own defense (Zagrobelny et al.,
Evidence of CNglcs have been documented in more
than 2,650 higher plant species distributed among 130 families in pteridophytes (ferns), gymnosperms and angiosperms (Conn, 1981, Siegler and
Brinker, 1993) implying that in plants the ability to synthesize cyanogenic
glycosides is at least 300 million years old (Bak et al., 2006). Bak and his
co-workers, (2006) further proposed that the widespread occurrence of
cyanogenic glycosides in nature implies that they are ancient biomolecules in
terrestrial plants and that the specific presence of aromatic cyanogenic
glycosides in ferns and gymnosperms indicate that the
cyanogenic glycosides initially in
nature were aromatic and that these served as progenitors for aliphatic
cyanogenic glycosides. Consequently, this evolutionary path is supported by the
fact that ancestral angiosperms like Magnoliales contain tyrosine-derived
cyanogenic glycosides. Hence within monocotyledons, Liliales are known to contain aromatic cyanogenic glycosides, and
within Poales both aromatic and
aliphatic cyanogenic glycosides occur. Interestingly, in eudicot a wide distribution of aromatic as well as aliphatic cyanogenic glycosides is observed, but
the amino acid precursor used within a given family is generally cones-rved.
Suggestively, the presence of aliphatic cyanogenic glycosides in Poales and eudicots raises the question of whether aliphatic cyanogenic
glycosides evolved indepen-dently at least twice or whether they evolved before
the radiation of monocotyledons and eudicots
(Bak et al., 2006). Furthermore, Zagrobelny et al., (2004) reported that
cyanogenic glycosides are also present in animals that are within a limited
number of arthropod clades. They opined that a few species of Diploda (millipedes), Chilopoda (centipedes), Coleoptera (beetles) and Heteroptera (true bugs) synthesize
aromatic cyanogenic glycosides while more than 200 species within Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths)
synthesize aliphatic cyanogenic glycosides. Accor-dingly, older animal and
plant lineages contain aromatic cyanogenic glycosides while relatively more
recent lineages as Lepidopteran
species and angiosperms have acquired
the capacity to contain aliphatic cyanogenic glycosides. More so, several
species within Lepidoptera, have been
identified that are able to sequester cyanogenic glycosides from their host
plants and in some cases are also able to carry out synthesis of cyanogenic
glycosides when the amount of cyanogenic glycosides in the host plant is not
sufficient to maintain desired levels in the insect (Bak et al., 2006). Such
a remarkable phenomenon may imply a close co-evolution of Lepidopteran species with their
preferred host plants, and that the ability to synthesize cyanogenic glycosides
has been lost in some Lepidopteran
species. The replacement and possible ability to metabolize the nitrile
function into, e.g. ammonia and carbon dioxide may constitute a nitrogen
reservoir to optimize the insect’s primary metabolism. This assertion according
to Bak and his colleagues, (2006) adds yet another layer of complexity to the
co-evolution of cyanogenic glycoside metabolism in insects and plants.
Compartmentation, Catabolism and Physiological Roles of Cyanogenic
Cyanogenic glycosides are a group of nitrile-containing plant secondary
compounds that yields cyanide (cyano-genesis) following their enzymatic break
down. The functions of cyanogenic glycosides remain to be fully determined in
many plants; although in some plants they have been implicated as herbivore
deterrents and as transportable forms of reduced nitrogen (Belloti and Arias,
1993, Selmar, 1993, and McMahon et al., 1995). Recent experiments have further
accentuated the possibility that cyanogenic glycosides and cyanolipids might
serve as nitrogen storage compounds (Selmar et al., 1990). In Hevea brasiliensis seeds, the endosperm
represents almost 85% of the seed dry
matter and contains more than 90% of the cyanogenic glycoside, linamarin.
During germination and plantlet development, the cyanogenic potential of the
entire seedling declines by 85% as cyanogenic compounds are metabolized to non
-cyanogenic substances and negligible amounts of gaseous HCN are liberated
during this process. Since highest levels of the cyanide detoxifying enzyme Ī²-cyanoalanine
synthase occur in young seedling tissues, Selmar et al., (1988), proposed that
linamarin is transported from the endosperm via the apoplast to the young,
growing tissues for further catabolism. The lability of this glycoside to
apoplastic and intracellular linamarase dictates the need for a protected
transport form of resistant to linamarase action. A suitable candidate may be
the disaccharide linus-tatin, derived from linamarin by glucosylation. Moving safely
via the apoplast and vascular system to target tissues, linustatin would be
degraded there by disaccharidase to HCN. Detoxification of HCN to asparagines
by Ī²-cyanoalanine synthase would allow this nitrogen to reenter general
metabolic pools. Much evidence supports this attractive hypothesis: (a) that
linustatin is not hydrolyzed by linamarase; (b) linustatin levels in Hevea seeds increase upon storage; (c)
at that developmental stage when the linamarin content is decreasing,
linustatin occurs in endosperm exudates, and increasing levels of Ī²-cyano-alanine
synthase and a linustatin-splitting disaccharidase are found in seedling
tissues; and (d) linustatin is present in leaf nectary and phloem exudates.
Whether linamarin metabolization and utilization occur in other cyanogenic
species via this so-called ‘linustatin pathway’ is still under investigation
(Selmar et al., 1998). Concurrently, cyano-genic glycosides are synthesized but
reach levels equal to only one-fourth of the original cyanolipid content. This
large decrease in cyanogenic potential points to major utilization of
cyanolipids for synthesis of non-cyanogenic compounds.
Arguably, the most agronomically important of all
the cyanogenic crops, may be the tropical root crop cassava (Manihot escculenta, Crantz). All cassava
tissues, with the exception of the seeds, contain the cyanogenic glycosides
linamarin (>90% total cyanogens) and lotaustralin (<10% total cyanogens)
. The leaves have the highest cyanogenic glycoside levels (5.0g linamarin/kg
fresh weight), whereas the roots have approximately 20-fold lower linamarin
levels. In addition to tissue-specific differences, there are
cultivar-dependent differences in root cyanogens levels. Total root linamarin
levels range between 100 and 500mg linamarin/kg fresh weight for low and high
cyanogenic cultivars, respectively (Okafor, 2005). A common feature of
cyanophuric plants is that cyanogenic glycoside hydrolysis occurs at a
significant rate only after their tissues have been disrupted by herbivores,
fungal attack, or mechanical means. Although other explanations are possible,
it is generally assumed that the glycosides and their catabolic enzymes are
separated in the intact plant by compart-mentation at either tissue or
subcellular levels (Poulton, 1988). These possibilities have been extensively
tested in the leaves of 6-d-old light-grown sorghum seedlings (Kojima et al.,
1979). The authors demonstrated that the substrate and its catabolic enzymes
were localized within different tissues. The cyanogenic glycoside dhurin was
sequestered in the vacuoles of epidermal cells, whereas the Ī²-glycosidase and
hydroxynitrile lyase were present almost entirely in the underlying mesophyll
cells. These two enzymes were located in the chloroplasts and cytosol,
respectively and it therefore seems likely that the large-scale hydrolysis of
dhurin, which probably provides a defense mechanism against herbivores by
liberating HCN, occurs only after tissue disruption allowing the mixing of
contents of the different tissues. Cyanogenesis (in cassava) is initiated when
the plant is damaged. Rupture of the vacuole releases linamarin, which is
hydrolyzed by linama-rase, a cell wall-associated Ī²-glycosidase (McMahon et al., 1995). Hydrolysis of linamarin yields
an unstable hydroxyl-lnitrile intermediate, acetone cyanohydrin. Acetone
cyanoh-ydrin spontaneously decomposes to acetone and HCN at pH >5.0 or
temperatures >350C and can be broken down enzymatically by HNL (Hasslacher et al., 1996 and Wajant and Pfizenmaier,
1996) to HCN, and an aldehyde or ketone (Poulton, 1990). The need for
hydroxynitrile lyases appears puzzling, but it should be noted that, while
non-enzymic decomposition proceeds rapidly at alkaline pH, it is negligible
below pH 5.5. The major role of Ī±-hydroxynitrile lyases is presumably to
accelerate release of HCN (and carbonyl compounds) in plant macerates, which
commonly are slightly acidic (pH 5.0-6.5). This assumption is supported by
mixed enzyme incubations in which various ratios of hydroxynitrile lyase to Ī²-glucosidase
were analyzed for rapidity of HCN evolution (Selmar et al., 1989). A ratio of 2 : 4 , close to the average found in
seven Hevea varieties tested,
accelerated the rate of acetone cyanohydrin
dissociation 20-fold over non-enzymic rates. Noting that the efficacy of
cyanogenesis as a defense mechanism against herbivory undoubtedly depends upon
the rate of HCN release as well as the total amount liberated, Selmar et al.,
(1989) proposed categorizing cyanogenic plants according to their ability for
rapid or slow cyanogenesis.
Bacterial cyanogenesis and
rhizospheric processes
The surfaces and surroundings of plants form a nutrient-rich habitat for
complex microbial populations that can positively or negatively influence plant
health and growth (Francis et al., 2010). Plant growth and development are
significantly influenced by the presence and activity of microorganisms and can
be promoted by a diversity of mechanisms that increase nutrient accessibility,
facilitate mineral and nutrient uptake, decrease soil toxicity, release
growth-stimulating phytohormones, modulate hormone production by the plant,
supply nitrogen and phosphate via symbioses, or enhance the effects of
symbioses (Welbaum et al., 2004, Podile and Kishore, 2006). Bacteria can attack,
repel, antagonize, compete or collaborate with other organisms affecting the
composition of the microbial communities and plant development (Welbaum et al.,
2004) Many microorganisms in the natural environment exist in multicellular
aggregates severally described as biofilms (Parsek and Faqua, 2004 and Stoodey
et al., 2002). Bacterial biofilms may be defined as highly structured,
surface-attached communities of cells encased within a self-produced
extracellular polymeric matrix (Costerton et al., 1995). Bacterial cells adhere
to surfaces and to each other through a complex matrix comprising of a variety
of extracellular polymeric substances (EPs) including exopol-ysaccharides,
proteins and DNA (Ramey et al., 2004). Most plant-bacterial associations rely upon
the physical interaction between bacteria and plant tissues. Direct
observations of bacteria adhered to plant surfaces have revealed multicellular
assemblies variably described as microcolonies, aggregates and cell clusters
(Morris and Monier, 2003, Monier and Lindow, 2004 and Bloemberg and Lugtenberg,
The two most extensively studied bacteria for
cyanogenesis commonly found in soil are Pseudomonas
aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is renowned for its nutritional and ecological versatility. The effectiveness of this
organism in causing infection is likely due to a suite of well -regulated
virulence factors and defense mechanisms such as multidrug resis-tance pumps
(Chuanchuen et al., 2001) and biofilm formation (Costerton et al., 1999). They
are capable of producing various protein toxins and small molecular toxins such
as cyanide that facilitates the overall virulence of this opportunistic
bacterium against multiple hosts (Lyczak et al., 2000, Terada et al., 1999, Britigan
et al., 1999; Olivera et al., 1999, Blumer and Haas, 2000 and Walker et al.,
2004). Some Pseudomonas has been
reportedly charac-terized as root colonizers of several food crops that evade
pathogenesis against multiple pathogens (Bano and Mussarrat, 2003).
Comparatively, Pseudomonads are one
of the important groups of soil microorganisms playing various roles in plants
growth and development. Although they have been reported to inflict both
beneficial and harmful effects on plants, they act through various mechanisms.
Among the various mechanisms, cyano-genesis is one of the important factors
used by Pseudomonads to cause
positive and less studied negative effects
in the rhizosphere (Rudrappa and Bais, 2008). The effects of Pseudomonad cyanogenesis on Bacillus subtilis colonization and
biofilm formation on Arabidopsis has been demonstrated (Rudrappa et al., 2008).
Pseudomonas lives as saprophytes and parasites on plant surfaces and inside plant tissues. Many plant-associated Pseudomonads promote plant growth by
suppressing pathogenic
microorganisms, synthesizing growth stimul-ating plant hormones and promoting
increased plant disease resistance. Naturally, plants are faced with the
challenge of how to recognize and exclude pathogens that pose a genuine threat,
while tolerating more benign organisms (Preston, 2004). Nevertheless, the high
level of immunity and disease-resistance in most plants to most bacteria
suggests that plants are able to effectively recognize and protect themselves
against most bacteria they encounter, while retaining the ability to form
mutually beneficial symbioses with beneficial bacteria such as nitrogen-fixing
rhizobia (Preston, 2004). Individual Pseudomonas
strains may have biocontrol activity, plant growth-promoting activity, the
ability to induce systemic plant defense responses or the ability to act as
pathogens. Preston, (2004), postulated that Pseudomonas-plant
interactions can be considered to take place in four very broadly defined
contact zones: (i) foliar surfaces colonized by epiphytic Pseudomonas; (ii)root surfaces colonized by rhizosphere Pseudomonas; (iii) intercellular spaces
in leaves colonized by endophytic Pseudomonas; and (iv) intercellular
spaces in roots colonized by endophytic Pseudomonas.
In contrast to leaf surfaces, roots are designed for nutrients and water
uptake, and present a large surface area that is not covered with a hydrophobic
cutin layer. Arguably, lack of such a cutin layer may offer greater potential
for direct signaling between Pseudomonas
and epidermal cells than on foliar surfaces. Roots are known to release
substantial quantities of root exudates, which are rich in sugars, dicarboxylic
acids, amino acids, and sloughed off root border cells, which support a complex
microflora and microfauna of saprotrophs, symbionts and predators (Gilroy and
Jones, 2000; Hawes et al., 2000). Roots also produce significant levels of
secondary metabolites, many of which have anti-microbial activity. In addition
to direct interactions with plant cells, root-colonizing Pseudomonas can affect plant physiology through interactions with
other rhizosphere organisms, such as mycorrhizal fungi, soil-borne plant
pathogens, and nitrogen-fixing and nitrogen-cycling bacte-ria (Lugtenberg et
al., 2001).
Attachment of bacteria to root surface is by the
use of lipopolysaccharide, cell surface agglutinin, and exopoly-saccharide
(Michiels et al., 1991; Amellal et al., 1998) and Gram-negative bacteria has
been associated with the production of acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs)
(Whitehead et al., (2001). AHLs are known to regulate quorum sensing (QS)
behaviour and biofilm formation and its production is more frequent in
fluorescent pseudomonads isolated
from the rhizosphere than in isolates from the bulk soil (Elasri et al., 2001).
As a complex and dynamic organ, the root controls various biochemical and
physiological processes that are crucial for the survival of the plant (Mercier
et al., 2001, Boru et al., 2003), and among such critical processes, regulation
of microbial recruitment and dynamics are most vital. It has been reported that
plants regulate microbial processes by deterring pathogenic microorganisms and
selectively attracting beneficial microorganisms (Ramey et al., 2004). How
these microorganisms establish themselves as communities on the root surface is
a critical question because, like their plant counterpart, microorganisms are
equally dynamic and employ various mechanisms to cope with changed
conditions (Langer et al., 2004), such as multidrug resistance pumps
(Chuanchuen et al., 2001). Apart from secretion of AHLs, plant-derived
compounds also influence biofilm formation by interfering with the bacterial QS
mechanism (Rasmussen et al., 2005). One system for which chemical and molecular
evidence for QS inhibition has been identified is that of the primitive plant, Delissea pulchra, a marine red alga
(Yoon et al., 2006). Delissea pulchra produces
structural analogs of AHLs, halogenated
furanones, which bind competitively to AHL receptors, instigating proteolytic
degradation and inhibition of associated QS signals (Teplitski et al., 2004).
This activation suggests that there is significant QS cross-talk between
different bacterial species on plant roots, thereby regulating the outcome of
root-associated biofilm formation. In addition to their associations with QS
mechanisms, plants may also regulate bacterial associations by influencing the
structure of biofilms attached to their root surface by varying rhizosphere
nutrient status, as suggested by abiotic surface studies (Shrout et al., 2006).
Generally, the root surfaces of plants are continually subjected to the two-way
traffic of solutes from plants to the soil and vice versa (Lugtenberg et al.,
1999; Dakora and Phillips, 2002). A broad range of environmental factors could
cause fluctuations in root surface properties and this dynamic environment may
therefore make it challenging for two-way communication between plants and
microbial communities in the rhizosphere (Bais et al., 2002). This interaction
becomes more complicated when more than one bacterium is involved, as observed
in the case of multispecies microbial associations (An et al., 2006). A plant-
bacteria interaction may be categorized as beneficial if the net benefit
(suppression of pathogens, promotion of plant growth and disease resistance)
outweighs the net cost. The potential negative effects of any single factor are
strongly affected by the genetic and ecological context (Preston, 2004).
The factors influencing biofilm formation are most
likely diverse, including proteins, secondary metabolites, organic acids, amino
acids and small peptides (Charon et al., 1997). These factors may function in a
differentially selective manner to enhance the competitive ability of a
particular species from a heterogenous rhizosphere microbial comm-unity when
compared with bulk soil (Small et al., 2001) . It has been suggested that many
polysaccharides produced by bacteria modulate the chemical and physical
properties of P. aeruginosa biofilms
on abiotic surfaces (Friedman and Kolter,
2004) and that the plant might also secrete specific compounds, which can
suppress pathogenic interactions by reducing attachment and binding (Teplitski
et al., 2000). In contrast to pathogenic multitrophic interactions, biofilm
formation can be beneficial for many organisms. Biofilm formation in Bradyrhizobium elkanii SEMIA 5019 and Penicillium sp. significantly increases
nodulation and nitrogen accumulation
in soybeans compared with planktonic inocular (Jayasinghearachi and
Seneviratne, 2004). One beneficial rhizobacterium is B. subtilis, which is ubiquitous in soil, can promote plant growth,
protect against fungal pathogen attack (Utkhede and Smith, 1992, Asaka and
Shoda, 1996, Emmert and Handelsman, 1999) and play a role in the degradation of
organic polymers in the soil (Emmert and Handelsman, 1999). The site of one
ecologically beneficial bacterial community is the rhizosphere, where a
rich microflora develops around the readily available nutrients released by
roots (Weller and Thoma-Show, 1994).
Biofilm formation is much more robust in wild-type B. subtilis
isolates than in highly subcultured laboratory strains (Kinsinger et al., 2003), and biofilm-like structures (pellicles
on liquid media or on semi-solid media) are dependent on the secretion of
surfactin. This assertion was further validated by the elegant research
conducted by Rudrappa and co-workers, (2008) in which they demons-trated that
the biofilm depth in the root tip is less than in mature root regions. They
concluded that such variations may be due to fluctuations in the composition of
the root exudates and nutrient availability at the root plane or specific
secretion of antimicrobials from the root tip. In addition, involvement of the point
of emergence of lateral roots in secretion and subsequent chemo-attraction of
bacteria leading to microcolony formation (Mc Dougall and Rovira, 1970, Cooley
et al., 2003) may be the reason for
increased biofilm thickness in mature regions of the root. Concomitantly,
Shrout et al., (2006) showed that variations in nutrients influence Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial
swarming. Thus, a reduction in bacterial swarming is associated with abundant
nutrient availability leading to a more ‘structured’ three-dimensional (3-D)
biofilm. In contr-ast, lower nutrient levels influenced increased swarming of P. aeruginosa, resulting in a more ‘flat’
biofilm structures (Shrout et al.,
Fate and transport of cyanide in
Soil as a habitat for microorganisms, is probably the most complex and
diverse on the planet. It is a biomembrane and can be a source or sink for most
gases. A further source of complexity in soil biological activity is the
existence of exocellular enzymes, presumably derived from past populations of
organisms but stabilized by sorption on mineral surfaces and retaining at least
part of their activity (Burns, 1978). Soil is also used for waste disposal, so
detoxification and filtering functions are important. A vast range of organic
wastes are applied to soil including sewage sludge, composted municipal waste
and effluents from biologically-based industries such as the processing of oil
palm and cassava (Powlson et al., 2001). Hydrogen cyanide is ubiquitous in
nature. Principal natural sources of cyanides are from over 2,000 plant
species, including fruits and vegetables that contain cyanogenic glycosides
which can release cyanide on hydrolysis when ingested. The variation in
concentrations of cyanogenic glycosides is as a result of genetic and environmental
factors, location, season, and soil type (JECFA, 1993). Known cyanogenic
glycosides in plants include amygdalin, linamarin, prunasin, dhurrin,
lotaustralin and taxiphyllin. Transports of cyanide in soils are mostly
influenced by volatilization and distribution. Accordingly, high volatility of
cyanide and the action of soil microbes ensure that high levels of cyanide do
not persist or accumulate in soil under natural conditions (Towill et al., 1978
and Fuller, 1984). Though cyanides may be absorbed by several materials,
including clays and biological solids (Chatwin and Trepanowski, 1987 and
Chatwin, 1989), existing data indicates that the rate of hydrogen and metal
cyanide adsorption in soils is not
significant when compared with rates of volatilization and
biodegradation (Callahan et al., 1979 and ATSDR, 1991). However, small amounts
of cyanide in soil may be oxidized to cyanate (HCNO) (Chatwin, 1989). It has
been hypothesized that cyanide must be present as hydrogen cyanide as in
surface waters in order to volatilize from soils (Higgs, 1992). However, the
rate of volatilization from soils is complex and depends on many factors,
including pH, cyanide solubility, hydrogen cyanide vapour pressure, free
cyanide concentration, soil water content, soil sorptive properties, soil
porosity, organic matter content, density and clay content and atmospheric
conditions such as barometric pressure, humidity, and temperature (Chatwin and
Trepan-owski, 1987; Chatwin, 1989). Empirical studies on the partitioning of
hydrogen cyanide between gas and solution phases in unsaturated soils showed
that its migration through soil occurs mainly through gas diffusion. Hydrogen
cyanide volatilization from unsaturated soils could account for up to 10% of
total cyanide losses (Chatwin, 1989). In acidic soils, volatilization becomes a
significant removal process and may be the dominant mechanism for cyanide loss
from soil surfaces (USEPA, 1984, Rouse and Pyrih, 1990). High cyanide
concentrations are associated with groundwater at sites with alkaline soils (pH
ca. 7.5), whereas much lower concentrations have been reported in groundwater
with acidic soils (pH ca. 4) (Meeussen et al., 1994). This is in conformity
with the assumption that the behaviour of cyanide in these contaminated soils
is largely governed by the solubility of Prussian blue [Fe4(Fe(CN)6)3(S)], which is relatively
insoluble under acidic conditions (Meeussen et al., 1994).
may be degraded in the soil environment by a wide variety of microbes,
including the fungi Fusarium solani, Stemphylium loti, and a
Pholiota sp., and bacteria species
such as Corynebacterium, Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Thiobacillus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella,
and Escherichia (Towill et al., 1978;
Knowles 1988; Silva-Avalos et al., 1990). Expectedly, bacteria exposed to
cyanide may exhibit decreased growth, altered cell morphology, decreased
motility, mutagenicity, and altered respiration (Towill et al., 1978), hence
cyanides toxicity to living cells is attributed to three major mechanisms: strong
chelation to metals in metallo-enzymes; reaction with keto compounds to form
cyanohydrin derivatives of enzyme substrates; and reaction with Schiff-base
intermediates during enzymic reactions to form stable nitrile derivatives
(Solomonson, 1981; Know-les, 1988). Natural soil microfloras have been
demonstrated to convert cyanide to carbonate and ammonia (Strobel, 1967).
Cyanide present at low concentrations will be decomposed to ammonia, carbon
dioxide and nitrogen, or nitrate under aerobic conditions, and to ammonium ion,
nitrogen, thiocyanate and carbon dioxide under anaerobic conditions (Rouse and
Pyrih, 1990). A strain of Bacillus pumillus from clay samples planted with
flax was found to degrade a 0.1 ml. L-1 cyanide
solution to carbon dioxide and ammonia (Knowles, 1976). Cyanide is a major
inhibitor of the enzyme cytochrome oxidase as well as hemoproteins and other
metal-containing oxidases or oxygenases. At concentrations of about 10-4 mol. L-1 or
lower, cyanide is usually highly inhibitory to cytochrome oxidase while other
enzymes require 10 -4 to 10-2 mol. L-1 of
cyanide for significant inhibition (Knowles, 1976). It has been proven that
unacclimatized mixed microbial populations are
adversely affected by cyanide at concentrations of
0.3 mg HCN.Kg-1. In contrast, acclimatized populations in activated sewage sludge may
be unaffected by concentra-tions as high as 60 mg total cyanides.kg-1 (Towill et al., 1978). Cyanide
ions may also form complexes with heavy metals, particularly iron, and
precipitate out of solution (Lagas et al., 1982; Chatwin, 1989). It has been
reported that hydrogen cyanide is not susceptible to photolysis in soils
(Cicerone and Zellner, 1983), but complex cyanides, such as ferrocyanides and
ferricyanides, may rapidly photo-dissociate and release free cyanide when
exposed to sunlight (Callahan et al., 1979; Fiksel et al., 1981; Meeussen et al., 1992).
The mobility of cyanide compounds
in soil depends on stability and dissociation characteristics of the compound,
soil type, soil permeability, soil chemistry, and the presence of aerobic and
anaerobic microorganisms (Fuller, 1984; Higgs, 1992). In aerobic conditions,
biodegradation is expected to be an important cyanide process. Experimental
studies on the mobility of cyanide in saturated anaerobic soils have shown that
aqueous simple cyanides and aqueous ferricyanides tend to be very mobile.
Cyanide dissolved in leachate were found to move through soils much more slowly
than those in aqueous solution as they tended to precipitate out as the
relatively immobile compound (Prussian blue) (Alessi and Fuller, 1976; Fuller,
1977, 1984). It should be noted, however, that although Prussian blue tends to
precipitate out in soils with pH >4, some of the compound remains in
solution and may result in contamination of ground water by iron cyanide
(Meeussen et al., 1992). Copper, cobalt, zinc, and nickel-cyanide complexes
were found to be relatively mobile in soils
compared to iron and manganese-cyanide complexes
(Chatwin, 1989 and Higgs, 1992). Soils conditions that increase the mobility of
cyanide include low pH, high negative soil charges, and low clay content.
Neutral to alkaline pH, high clay content, high positive soil charges, and the
presence of organic matter and iron or other metal oxides appear to increase
the attenuation of cyanide in soils (Alessi and Fuller, 1976; Fuller, 1977,
1984). The presence of aerobic soil microbes is particularly important to the
attenuation of cyanide since mobility under aerobic conditions is greatly
reduced due to higher rates of biodegradation (Fuller, 1984). Thus, cyanide
leaching in groundwater is enhanced under anaerobic conditions. Microbial
reactions under anaerobic soil conditions (e.g. water-logging) are quite
different from those under aerobic conditions. Soil microorganisms responsible
for degrading cyanide under anaerobic conditions are believed to be more
sensitive to the concentrations tolerated under aerobic conditions, as such
they are very sensitive to an elevated concentration of this compound. The
limit of tolerance for effective anaerobic degradation is 2 ppm, thus, the
opportunity for cyanides to move through soil is expected to be greater under
anaerobic than aerobic environmental conditions (Fuller, 1984).
Biodegradation and distribution
of cyanide
Cyanide-yielding organic compounds are introduced
naturally into the soil, by a great number of living systems. One of the most
common natural sources originates from plants. They are characterized most
abundantly by the glycosides that yield hydrocyanic acid (HCN) upon hydrolysis
(Fuller, 1984). One of the best known
cyanogenic (or cyanophoric) glycosides occur in members of the Rosaceae family and are called
amygdalin. The amount of amygdalin glycogen accumulated by a single plant
varies between species, depending on environmental conditions for example,
plants that have wilted, frosted, or have been stunted are most suspect in the
incidence of HCN rumen poisoning than unstressed plants (Fuller, 1984). It has
been postulated that cyanides accumulate in soils via biological degradation of
plants that produce abundant cyanogenic glycosides, such as sorghum and through
the activities of mankind (Fuller, 1984). Cyanides are also generated by a
great number of soil microorganisms including fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes,
and algae. The cyanide from natural sources does not persist in the soil. The
relatively small amounts produced are readily attacked by soil microorganisms
and converted to carbonate and ammonia. Some cyanide may be released to the
atmosphere and dispersed depending on the pH and redox of the soil environment.
Cyanide (CN-), up to 200 ppm at least, is readily converted to fertilizer nitrogen
in the soil (Fuller, 1984). Infact levels of many cyanides equivalent to the
nitrogen requirements of cultivated crops support plant response, which is
almost identical to that from other nitrogen sources such as sodium or ammonium
nitrate on an equivalent N basis. According to Commeyras et al., (2004),
organic and inorganic cyanide compounds are widely distributed on earth, indeed
they have been postulated to have played a key role in the prebiotic chemistry
that led to the evolution of biological macromolecules and primitive life. As a
result, these compounds have had a significant presence in the environment
throughout the evolution of life. The toxicity of cyanide is dependent upon the
form in which it occurs. However, the cyanide anion CN- is the primary toxic agent,
regardless of origin. Many toxic effluents and compounds that have entered the
environment as a result of man's activities are biodegradable or potentially
biodegradable to less toxic compounds. Many microorganisms have an inherent
capacity to degrade the toxic organic compounds that enter the environment as a
result of pollution and natural activities. The success of biodegradation
depends upon the presence of microbes with the physiological and metabolic
capabilities to degrade the pollutants in the contaminated environment and a
range of physico-chemical parameters (Cummings and Baxter, 2006; Ubalua, 2007).
Although there are many natural sources of cyanide, including the plants,
bacteria and fungi that synthesize and excrete it, the most significant sources
of cyanide in the environment are industrial wastes. Cyanide is one of nature
most toxic substances. The level of toxicity of the more stable cyanides
depends on the metal present and on the proportion of CN- groups converted to simpler
alkali cyanides. The loading rate in soil is the paramount factor determining
toxicity to microorganisms or hazard for movement into groundwater and food
chains (Ubalua, 2007). High concentrations in the environment usually are
associated with accidental spills or improper waste disposal. Some of the
reactions attributed to the low levels of cyanides in soils are:
• Biological
dissemination and assimilation (metabolism)
• Microbial transformation to CO2, H2O, NH3, and metals (hydration and oxidation)
• Dispersion
to the atmosphere as gases and/or to water sources (translocation,
volatilization, and dispersion)
• Complex
formations with metals (chelation)
• Chemical
combination and precipitation (precipitation)
• Adsorption
to surfaces (surface physical chemistry) and
• Photodegradation
(Fuller, 1984).
Several methods (physico-chemical and biological) can be utilized to
effectively degrade cyanide. Presently, physico-chemical treatments are more
expensive and may also present some collateral effects (Huertas et al., 2006),
compared to biological treatment. Arguably, since cyanide is a natural
biodegradable compound, biological treatments may be more suitable and
effective in the elimination of cyanide from industrial effluents (Whitlock and
Mudder, 1998). Suggestively, biodegradation of cyanide may have been favoured
because cyanide is a good source of nitrogen for bacterial growth (Huertas et
al., 2006). In addition to existence of biodegradable pathways in some
micro-organisms to convert cyanide into an assimilative product (NH4+), they also contain cyanide resistance mechanism and a system for
taking up Fe3+ from the medium (siderophores), since Fe3+ forms very stable complexes with
cyanide (Huertas et al., 2006).
The ability to degrade cyanides has been
demonstrated by both eukaryotes and prokaryotes from a diverse range of taxa
across a wide range of metabolic pathways (Baxter and Cummings, 2006). Microbes
capable of cyanide detoxification are widely distributed in natural systems
(Knowles and Wyatt, 1992). These cyanide degrading organisms have enzymatic
systems that can be broadly described as oxidative, hydrolytic and substitution/transfer
in nature. Oxidation of cyanide begins by the formation of CNO (cyanate)
(Knowles and Wyatt, 1992) and eventually forming both carbon dioxide and
ammonia. Cyanide monoxygenase converts cyanide to cyanate, with cyanase
catalyzing the bicarbonate- dependent conversion of cyanate to ammonia and
carbon dioxide (Table 1). Cyanases, reportedly have been variously identified
in numerous bacteria, fungi, plants and animals (Guilloton et al., 2002). The
presumed role of cyanase has long been as protective against cyanate poisoning
(Raybuck, 1992). As cyanate is not a common metabolite, more fundamental roles
for cyanases in biocarbonate /carbon dioxide and nitrogen metabolism have been
proposed. Additional suggested roles for plant cyanases include ammonia
assimilation following cyanate biodegradation and a role in the concentration
and delivery of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis (Guilloton et al, 2002).
Ebbs, 2004 considered these roles to be speculative and to rely heavily upon
the assumption that cyanate arises at sufficient rate, such as through the
degradation of urea and the nucleotide precursor carbamonyl phosphate. If these
results are substantiated, then additional emphasis might need to be placed
upon the biological role of cyanate and its biodegradation. A second oxidative
pathway utilizes cyanide dioxygenase to form ammonia and carbon dioxide
directly (Table 1). Recently, the requirement for a pterin cofactor in this
reaction has been proposed (Kunz et al., 2001). Additionally, in Escherichia coli strain BCN6 and P. fluorescens NC1MB 11764, the formation of cyanohydrin
complexes was reportedly necessary for oxygenase-mediated cyanide
biodegradation (Kunz et al., 1992; Figueira et al., 1996). Whether or not
complexation is obligatory for cyanide biodegradation via oxygenase activity is
yet to be established. Hydrolytic reactions are mainly characterized
for the direct formation of the products; formamide or formic acid and
ammonium, which are less toxic than cyanide and may also serve for growth
(Huertas et al., 2006). Cyanidase (cyanide dihydratase) is principally
bacterial. Cyanide hydratase and cyanidase have recently been shown to have
similarity at both the amino acid and structural levels to nitrilase and
nitrile hydratase enzymes (O’Reilly and Turner, 2003). Nitrile-utilizing
enzymes have been reportedly found in a wide variety of bacterial, fungal, and
plant species. Nitrilases and nitrile hydratases convert both aliphatic and
aromatic nitriles to the corresponding acid or amide, respectively, but show
less substrate specificity than cyanide hydrates and cyanidase (Ebbs, 2004).
Direct hydrolysis of cyanide to formic acid and ammonium has been demonstrated,
and in parallel with the nitrile-hydrolysing enzyme nitrilase, both have been
named cyanidase (Table 1).
Substitution reactions are principally mediated by
two sulphur transferases: rhodanese and cyanoalanine synthase. Cyanide has a
high affinity for sulphur and accordingly there are two sulphur transferases
able to produce thiocyanate from cyanide (Table 1). In this context, the
physiological function of the rhodanese seems to be the maintenance of the
sulphane sulphur pool in organism and the incorporation of reduced sulphur for
iron/sulphur proteins. Kinetic studies suggest that the enzyme works in two
steps: first, thiosulphate donates a sulphur to a cysteine thiol on the protein
to form an intermediate and secondly, cyanide attacks to produce thio-cyanate
and regenerate the enzyme. Huertas et al., (2006), corroborated the production
of nitriles or Ī±-amino acids from cyanide by pyridoxal phosphate enzymes
through substitution reactions. They proposed that the Ī²-cyanoalanine synthase
catalyses the substitution of a three-carbon amino acid with cyanide and
concluded that the three-carbon substrate is often cysteine or 0-acetylserine
(Table 1).
Currently, the most accepted and most feasible form
of biological treatment of cyanide is through the use of bacteria and some of
them that are commonly utilized are Pseudomonas,
Achromobacter, Flavobacterium, Nocardia, Bdellovibrio, Mycobacterium,
Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter (Akcil,
2003). In the biological treatment process,
bacteria are used to naturally biodegrade both free and metal-complexed
cyanides to biocarbonate and ammonia (Akcil, 2003). The metals that are freed
in the process are either absorbed by the biofilm or are precipitated out of
solution and the rate at which these metal-cyanide complexes (zinc, cu, Ni and
Fe) degrade is directly related to their chemical stability (Akcil, 2003). In
addition, the ability of a biological system to be adapted/engineered to handle
large flows and high cyanide levels makes biological treatment even more
Cyanide Reactions
The soil as a weathered system does not contain cyanides nor does it
generate cyanides, except indirectly in supporting the growth of
microorganisms, plants, and other intimate soil life and of course through
anthropogenic activities. In fact soil organic matter inactivates the toxic
effects of cyanide as a result of its affinity for combining. Cyanides that
enter the soil from the low-level natural sources are rapidly biodegraded and
quickly metabolized by
soil microorganisms. One of the important aspects of biodegradation is
the optimization of the growth of the microorganisms involved in the process,
in terms of pH, temperature, nutrient status, oxygen availability, population
density and the presence of interacting inorganic and organic compounds. For
example, strains of Alcaligens sp.
(DSM 4010 and DSM 4009) show maximum cyanide degradation at 370C and pH 6 to 8.5 (Ingvorsen,
1990). Though most strains of Salmonella
and Escherichia coli are cyanide
sensitive, some natural isolates from cyanide-contaminated soil and water
produce inducible enzymes. These enzymes catalyse the conversion of cyanide
into ammonia and either formate or carbon dioxide. Availability of nutrients
and the physical nature of soils also have wide ranging effects on
bioremediation. The bioavailability of a contaminant is controlled by a number
of physico-chemical processes, such as sorption, desorption, diffusion and
dissolution (Boopathy, 2000). Temperature is an important parameter in the
determination of the rate of biodegradation and different soil communities may
have dissimilar temperature optima (Thomas and Lester, 1993) . Populations in
the upper layers of soil are exposed to varying temperatures, due to
fluctuations throughout the day and seasonal changes, whereas populations in
the soil subsurface are subjected to low temperatures with less fluctuation.
Cyanide degrading enzymes are generally produced by mesophilic microorganisms,
often isolated from soil, with temperature optima typically ranging between 20
and 400C, reflecting the growth optima of the source organism.
Microbes capable of cyanide detoxification are
widely distributed in natural systems (Knowles and Wyatt, 1992). Oxidation of
cyanide begins by the formation of CNO (cyanate) (Knowles and Wyatt, 1992),
eventually forming both carbon dioxide and ammonia. Ammonia oxidizing organisms
are also widely distributed in aquatic and soil systems (Ward, 1996); with
available oxygen, nitrate formation inevitably occurs. For both oxidative and
hydrolytic cyanide degradation, the carbon in cyanide ends up as bicarbonate or
formate, and the nitrogen is reduced to ammonia. Anaerobic ammonia oxidation
has recently been recognized to be performed by many species of
nitrogen-transforming bacteria, including ammonia oxidizers and
nitrate-reducing or denitrifying organisms. The end product of this ammonia
oxidation is the formation of nitrogen gas. Anaerobic cyanide degradation thus
has the potential of treating cyanide and additionally removing the nitrogen as
a gas. In contrast, aerobic cyanide degradation inevitably exchanges cyanide contamination
with nitrate contamination. It has been suggested that in heap solutions where
natural or stimulated cyanide degradation has occurred in the presence of
oxygen, nitrate is a common degradation product. Nitrate is produced from the
oxidation of ammonia (nitrification), which is formed from cyanide degradation.
Because nitrate is not readily attenuated in most soils, heap solutions
containing nitrate must be treated to remove nitrate before attenuation can be
considered for removal of other trace constituents. Furthermore,
denitri-fication of nitrate by adding organic carbon can be performed in the
heap materials directly, in the attenuation field during heap effluent
disposal, or in ponds adjacent to the heap. Thus, Harrington and Levy, (1999), demonstrated
and documented a minimal residence time of 10 days for
nitrate reduction once cyanide has been mostly degraded if sufficient
amounts of organic carbon are available, and after natural microbes have been
Cyanide and cyanide compounds are widely distributed in the environment,
mainly as a result of anthropogenic activities and through cyanide synthesis by
a range of microorganisms including higher plants, fungi and bacteria. Low
levels of free cyanides in nature do not persist in soils due to many highly
reactive indigenous chemical and enzymatic transformations and degradation
processes. Many wastewaters are problematic for biological degradation because
of the hostile environmental conditions they present to microorganisms. For
example, wastewaters can often have extremes of pH or contain a variety of
pollutants other than cyanide compounds. Similarly, contaminated soils present
a range of physico -chemical conditions that may inhibit microbial growth
(Ubalua, 2007).
Prospects for cyanide biodegradation are limited
primarily by physical and economical factors. Economic considerations make
biological technologies especially attractive in wastes with high organic
content, in which concentrations of organics and cyanide can be reduced
simultaneously by the microbial consortia (Towill et al., 1978 and White et
al., 1988). Most microorganisms capable of biodegrading cyanide are sensitive
to cyanide concen-tration, with biodegradation and/or growth rate decreasing
above specific thresholds for each organism. Compared to chemical treatment
processes, biological treatment processes has a much lower operating cost
(Akcil et al., 2003) and allows both the removal of cyanide and denitrification
of the ammonia produced as a result of the cyanide removal. This in turn
results in a much more environmentally friendly effluent. Several potential
advan-tages are associated with the use of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in the
biological treatment of small concentrations of cyanide. First, cyanobacteria
are photo-synthetic; as such do not require aeration to obtain oxygen and
secondly they do not require the presence of organic substrates to maintain
biomass (Gantzer and Maier, 1990). Thus, the use of cyanobacteria in the
biological treatment of small amounts of cyanide should have lower operating
costs than the use of heterotrophic bacteria. However, despite the promising
potentials of biological treatment over physico-chemical treatments, one major
disadvantage to biological treatment is its susceptibility to climatic
conditions. The microorganisms that drive the process requires an operating
temperature of at least 500F. It has been suggested that cold conditions during winter periods
could impose an additional thermal requirement on the plant to maintain an
acceptable temperature for biological activity (Akcil et al., 2003). Another
recent development in the field of cyanide biodegradation is the possible use
of plants (phytore-mediation) (Baxter and Cummings, 2006). In contrast, chemical
treatment methods can only treat the cyanide portion of the waste and leave
behind ammonia, another potentially toxic compound at high concentrations while
biological treatment systems can treat not only cyanide, thiocyanide and
cyanate, but also ammonia and nitrate through a biologically run nitrification
and denitrification
process in conjunction with the cyanide biodegradation process. Recent
discoveries of new microorganisms and perfection of the biological treatment
methods to make it even more economically beneficial may have out-competed
chemical treatment method in producing more environmentally friendly effluents.
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